Quality Cafe Led Screen, Good Price

Quality Cafe Led Screen, Good Price

Price: Contact

Status: Stocking

  • Consulting and quick quotes for customers
  • Technician with experience in the profession
  • Construction and installation unit of HSV ProAVL
  • Contact Hotline:  0972.787.123
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Do you want to run a coffee shop business? Do you want to install LED screens for your shop? Customers are wondering which type is suitable and has the best price today? Customers, please rest assured that HSV ProAVL will solve all of these problems in the article below. Please join us in reading the article below!


1. Benefits of installing LED screens for coffee shops

The benefits when customers install LED screens can be mentioned as follows:

  • Helps the restaurant space become more luxurious and modern.
  • Increase aesthetics and create more emphasis compared to other shops.
  • Live video presentation helps customers have more new experiences.
  • Create an impression and attract customers to the coffee shop, helping to increase revenue for the shop.
  • Serves many different purposes such as: Live video streaming, music, watching movies,...
Construction and installation of LED screens for coffee shops at good prices
Construction and installation of LED screens for coffee shops at good prices

2. Advantages of LED screens for cafes

Some outstanding advantages of coffee shop LED screens can be mentioned as follows:

  • Flexibility in use: There are many types of LED screen brands to help customers have more choices. Many brands and prices are also different so it is very suitable for each customer's budget.
  • Diverse sizes, upon request: LED screens are one of the devices with a variety of sizes, which can be installed according to the customer's required size. Suitable for both large and small spaces and sizes of coffee shops.
  • Low operating and maintenance costs: With the outstanding advantage of rake longevity and being able to be used continuously for many hours, it will help customers save many other costs.
  • Resistant to many harsh environments: There are LED screens with outstanding features such as indoor and outdoor use. With those features, customers have more choices.
Construction and installation of LED screens for coffee shops at good prices nationwide
Construction and installation of LED screens for coffee shops at good prices nationwide

3. Differences between LED screens and projectors

HSV ProAVL will present some differences between using LED screens and projection screens in coffee shops as follows:


LED screen



Various sizes, upon request.

Fixed and difficult to change.


Long lifespan, resistant to harsh environments

Low lifespan, indoor use only.


High aesthetics.

Aesthetics are not high.


Wide vision, long viewing distance.

Limited visibility.

Image quality

Sharp, vivid images

Image is unstable.

Differences between LED screens and projectors
Differences between LED screens and projectors

4. LED screen construction and installation process at HSV ProAVL

HSV ProVAVL will introduce to customers the construction and installation process ofcoffee shop LED screens as follows:

Step 1: Survey the location, receive needs, and advise customers.

  • The consultant will receive information and requests from customers.
  • Our design staff will survey the installation location to get information such as: Area, size, LED screen installation location, installation space,...

Step 2: Quote and Sign a contract with the customer.

  • After completing the survey, we will provide detailed quotes to customers and suit each customer's budget.
  • When the customer agrees with the price quote, we will proceed with making a contract and signing the contract. Payment according to the contract agreed by both parties.

Step 3: Prepare and transport equipment to the installation location.

  • We will transport the equipment to the installation location on time as agreed.
  • We commit that the products we provide to the market are always guaranteed in quality and have clear documents.

Step 4: Install the LED screen system.

  • HSV ProAVL technical team will install the LED screen.
  • We always work on time, responsibly and always ensure safety throughout the construction process.
  • After completion, we will hand over the equipment and proceed with acceptance and payment.

Step 5: Warranty and maintenance of equipment after installation.

  • HSV ProAVL ensures to provide full warranty services for all equipment we provide to customers.
  • In addition, we also provide periodic equipment maintenance services to ensure that LED screen equipment always operates at its best capacity.
LED screen construction and installation process at HSV ProAVL
LED screen construction and installation process at HSV ProAVL


5. Address for construction and installation of LED screens at HSV ProAVL


Hanoi: 0972.787.123

Ho Chi Minh City: 0913.222.075

Email: hsvavl@gmail.com

Website: http://proavl.vn/

Hanoi headquarters: No. 229, D. Van Tri, Van Noi ward, Dong Anh district, Hanoi

City headquarters. HCM: 184/20 Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao Ward, Binh Tan District, City. HCM

Technical staff at HSV ProAVL
Technical staff at HSV ProAVL

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