Led Screens for Restaurants and Hotels at Good Prices

Led Screens for Restaurants and Hotels at Good Prices

Price: Contact

Status: Stocking

  • Installing LED images for Restaurants/Hotels
  • Consulting and detailed quotes for customers
  • The technical team has experience in the profession
  • Alcohol test, quick installation, guaranteed safety 
  • HSV ProAVL Led screen installation unit
  • Contact Hotline directly:   0972.787.123
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What is a restaurant and hotel LED screen ? Why use them? What outstanding advantages do they have that are so popular? How much does it cost to install them? How to choose a reputable LED screen and construction unit? Customers, please join HSV ProAVL to answer the above questions through the article below!

Construction and installation of restaurant/hotel LED screens
Construction and installation of restaurant/hotel LED screens

1. What is a restaurant LED screen?

Led screens used in restaurants or hotels are one of the most popular event equipment today. It helps make the space more luxurious, professional and can especially display important information.


2. Advantages of restaurant LED screens

Some outstanding advantages of wedding stage LED screens often used for hotels can be mentioned as follows:

  • Easy to operate and use.
  • The durability of LED screens is high.
  • Many diverse choices of brands and models.
  • Save energy and save costs.
  • Can be moved or resized according to customer wishes.
  • Brightness and sharp image quality, not affected by external factors.
Construction and installation of LED screens for restaurants/hotels at good prices
Construction and installation of LED screens for restaurants/hotels at good prices

3. How much does a wedding LED screen cost?

HSV ProAVL is one of the units that constructs and installs quality LED screens at good prices on the market today. We install and design according to customers' requirements and wishes. We provide a variety of restaurant and hotel LED screen designsand sizes,... suitable for customers' purposes.

Some Led screens are commonly used in wedding conference centers such as: P2.5 Led Screen, P3 Led Screen, P3 Led Screen,... For more information about our services Customers, please contact Hotline : 0972.787.123 to get the fastest advice and quote for customers.

Construction and installation of restaurant/hotel LED screens at HSV ProAVL
Construction and installation of restaurant/hotel LED screens at HSV ProAVL

4. How to choose a quality LED screen

We will introduce to customers some information and how to choose a quality Led screen as follows:

  • Technical specifications of the Led screen: Customers need to pay attention to the parameters of the Led screen to know whether they are suitable for their intended use or not. You should learn some basic information about the product to find the best product for yourself. (Customers can refer to the Web: HSV ProAVL).
  • Determine size and purpose of use: First, customers need to determine the purpose of using the Led screen (Indoor or outdoor). Large or small size (Based on location and screen installation space).
  • Product warranty and maintenance policy: The most important thing is the warranty policy after installation. For customers who do not understand the product clearly, support services are needed to promptly handle problems and save repair costs.
  • Construction and installation unit: Must choose a unit with many years of experience in the profession and reputation in the market. From there, we can ensure product quality and safety for users.
Installing restaurant/hotel Led screens at HSV ProAVL
Installing restaurant/hotel Led screens at HSV ProAVL

5. Some outstanding services at HSV ProAVL

HSV ProAVL has outstanding LED screen construction and installation services

  • Construction and installation of LED screens in the hall
  • Construction and installation of outdoor LED screens
  • Construction and installation of indoor LED screens

In addition, we also provide construction and installation services of other event equipment such as:

  • Construction and installation of Sound and Lighting Systems
  • Construction and installation of event stages, assembled stages,...
  • Construction and installation of outdoor space tents, event umbrellas/umbrellas,...
  • Cheap event equipment rental nationwide
  • Technical and event personnel rental,....


6. Address for construction and installation of LED screens at good prices


Hanoi: 0972.787.123

Ho Chi Minh City: 0913.222.075

Email: hsvavl@gmail.com

Website: http://proavl.vn/

Hanoi headquarters: No. 229, D. Van Tri, Van Noi ward, Dong Anh district, Hanoi

City headquarters. HCM: 184/20 Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao Ward, Binh Tan District, City. HCM

Image of warehouse at HSV ProAVL Hanoi company
Image of warehouse at HSV ProAVL Hanoi company
Photo of HSV ProAVL company warehouse in Ho Chi Minh City
Photo of HSV ProAVL company warehouse in Ho Chi Minh City

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