Hiring Personnel to Run Roadshows

Hiring Personnel to Run Roadshows

Price: Contact

Status: Stocking

  • Rental price: 600,000 - 800,000 VND
  • RoadShow personnel rental
  • No additional costs incurred
  • Experienced personnel
  • Quick consultation and quote
  • HSV ProAVL rental unit
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HSV ProAVL is one of the units specializing in providing personnel for large and small scale events nationwide. We specialize in renting human resources such as: Roadshow running personnel , MC hosts, receptionist rentals, singer rentals, band rentals, unicorn team rentals, etc.

With more than 10 years of experience in the event organization industry, we always provide businesses with experienced human resources. For more detailed information about our human resources rental services, please read our article below!

PG for rent to run RoadShow
PG for rent to run RoadShow


What is HR Roadshow?

The "Roadshow" event is one of the most commonly used Marketing trends today. Because this advertising method is suitable for many different products and services. Roadshow can be understood in Vietnamese as the advertising activity "Roadshow".

Roadshow personnel can be understood in the simplest way as people wearing advertising uniforms for that business. Use vehicles such as motorbikes, bicycles, walking, cars, etc. to run in groups on the street to attract and impress customers.

PG/PB Roadshow for rent
PG/PB Roadshow for rent

Roadshow staff job description

PG and PB Roadshow is considered one of the faces representing businesses throughout the process and advertising of products and services. For that reason, personnel selection needs to depend on many different factors such as: Height, appearance, body shape, face, voice, communication,...

The work that a PG or PB running Roadshow needs to do is:


- Responsible for monitoring and communicating with businesses and personnel.

- Instruct staff and coordinate activities.

- Report activities and results throughout the event organization.

- Work includes: Consulting and introducing products and services to customers.

- Answer customer questions about products.

- Distribute product samples to customers for customers to try and get feedback.

- Carry out game activities, activation, mobile exchanges,...

Professional Roadshow running personnel
Professional Roadshow running personnel

Form of organizing personnel to run Roadshow

HSV ProAVL will introduce to customers and businesses some popular forms of organizing Roadshow advertising today as follows:

- Walking Roadshow form.

- Bicycle Roadshow form.

- Motorcycle Roadshow form.

- Cyclo Roadshow form.

- Car Roadshow form.

- Roadshow form of double-decker bus.

In addition to the forms mentioned above, there are currently many other types of Roadshow advertising on the market, depending on the purpose and requirements of the desired business.

PG Roadshow runs bicycles in Hanoi
PG Roadshow runs bicycles in Hanoi

Advantages and disadvantages of hiring Roadshow personnel

Advantages of hiring Roadshow personnel

- Can move to many different locations.

- Receive feedback and reviews directly from customers.

- Highly flexible, able to handle emerging situations.

- Can advise products and services directly to customers.

Disadvantages of hiring Roadshow personnel

- The cost is quite expensive and costly

PG Roadshow runs motorbikes in Hanoi
PG Roadshow runs motorbikes in Hanoi

Price list for hiring personnel to run advertising

Roadshow staff price quote

PG, PB run RoadShow in Hanoi 01/ People 600,000 - 700,00 VND
PG and PB run RoadShow outside the province 01/ People 650,000 - 800,000 VND
Uniforms (printed according to sample) 01 set 500,000 - 600,000 VND

Roadshow staff price quote

Single bicycle rental 01 50,000 - 90,000 VND
Double bicycle rental 01 100,000 - 150,000 VND
Motorbike rental 01 500,000 - 1,000,000 VND
Jeep rental 01 3,500,000 - 6,000,000 VND
Cyclo rental 01 Contact
Car rental 01 Contact
Decorate upon request Contact Contact


Items required when renting PG/PB Roadshow

To be able to hire personnel to run Roadshow , businesses need to prepare the following items in advance:

- Event personnel: Hire personnel to participate in advertising and Roadshow operators. Need to find a reputable and professional staff rental unit to organize the event.

- Travel route: Consider in advance the routes and the moving order of the vehicles during the run. To create uniformity and demonstrate professionalism.

- Situations that arise: Must propose plans and situations such as traffic jams, damaged vehicles, vehicle documents or events,... from there, come up with solutions.

- Necessary items: Means of transportation (motorbikes, bicycles, cars,...), advertising clothing, banners with printed logos, banners, product introduction leaflets, Decals, translation vouchers product service,...

Hire personnel to run Roadshow in Hanoi
Hire personnel to run Roadshow in Hanoi

Information about Roadshow staff rental unit


Hanoi: 0916.222.075 or Ho Chi Minh City: 0972.787.123

Email: hsvavl@gmail.com

Website: https://proavl.vn/

Hanoi headquarters: No. 229, D. Van Tri, Van Noi, Dong Anh, Hanoi

City headquarters. HCM: 184/20 Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao, Binh Tan, City. HCM

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