Stage Follow Lights Rental In Hanoi

Stage Follow Lights Rental In Hanoi

Price: Contact

Status: Stocking


  • Mini follow light, 150W, 2500W
  • Origin of follow lights: China
  • Voltage: AC110v ~ 220v ~ 240V 50Hz / 60Hz
  • Quick installation.
  • Cheap Follow lights for rent.
  • Professional technical team.
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Criteria to evaluate a successful event, the sound - light equipment is one of the important factors to show the quality of the program. Sound - light equipment is not only used to decorate the stage, but it is also used to support singers, MCs, ... to shine more.

In particular, the stage light is now a very important device in the event, so on the market today, this type of Follow light is very diverse and each type will have a completely different function. The main purpose of the Follow light is still to create a highlight and attract viewers to the stage. In order to better understand the uses and functions of stage Follow lights , HSV AVL will share some experiences before renting event equipment under this article.

Cheap stage follow lights

What is Stage Follow Light?

Stage Follow Light is a type of light used for event lighting, mainly to brighten the stage, increase aesthetics and create many special effects for the event. In addition, the lamp also illuminates with many different colors with many different designs.

In particular, the stage follow lights are commonly used in weddings, year-end parties, music programs or live events on television, etc. to illuminate the focal points on the stage and highlight the subjects participating in the event and program.

Cheap stage follow lights for rent in Hanoi

Currently on the market there are two popular types of stage follow lights such as:

  • Handheld follow light: Used for television programs.
  • Follow lights hanging from the ceiling: Used for weddings, birthdays, year-ends, concerts,...

The role of stage follow lights

Stage Follow lights play a very important role in events and programs such as:

  • Create highlights for the characters standing on the stage and attract the audience's gaze on the stage.
  • Create lighting conditions for filming and logistics, making it easy for them to shoot and travel in areas above and below the stage.
  • Used to decorate the stage, create aesthetics for events, programs and highlight.
Rental of quality stage Follow lights

Note when renting the stage Follow light

Choose the right type of lamp

First of all, it is necessary to determine what field your event is organized in so that it can serve as a premise to choose the right type of light for the purpose of use. Avoid using the wrong lights to affect the event.

Learn about the price

Before renting, it is necessary to carefully learn about the cost and costs incurred during the event, from which to make plans and choose a rental unit with cheap price while still ensuring quality and prestige.

Check the lighting system before renting

When receiving lighting equipment from the rental unit, it is necessary to carefully check whether the lights are working to avoid damage and to be compensated after the event. Failure to check in advance will lead to a situation that greatly affects the event and causes disruption and has to spend a large amount of money to compensate for damaged equipment.

Rent cheap Follow lights for events

Why should you hire a stage follow light?

No maintenance costs

After being purchased and used for a period of time, Flow lights need to be regularly maintained and repaired to ensure that the lights still work well. For that reason, it is advisable to rent lights from rental units to save on monthly maintenance costs when not using them often.

Cost savings

Businesses that rarely organize events or only organize on a certain holiday or important occasion, spending a large amount of money to buy lights and then not using them will lead to damage if they do not know how to preserve them. Therefore, it is advisable to rent a lamp to be able to save money and to meet the necessary needs.

You can choose the right type of lamp

The purchase of lights will be limited in terms of models because it is not possible to buy all kinds of lights, so it is very inconvenient for some events and must use inappropriate lights, instead of buying businesses can rent to be able to have more choices for themselves and in accordance with the nature of the event.

Cheap Follow Lights in Hanoi

The process of renting Follow lights at HSV AVL

Step 1: Customers contact HSV AVL for advice on the rental service of stage Follow lights.

Step 2: Quote the rental service of Follow lights and accompanying services at the request of the customer.

Step 3: Both parties agree and start signing the contract.

Step 3: HSV AVL technical staff will transport the lights to the required location and install and complete before the event.

Step 4: After the event is over, HSV AVL will clean up and remove the stage Follow lights and begin acceptance.

Quality Follow Lights in Hanoi

Reasons to choose to rent a follow light from HSV AVL

HSV AVL is one of the most professional and quality rental stage lights on the market today. Reasons to choose the Follow light of HSV AVL can be mentioned as:

Quality rental products

HSV AVL specializes in providing quality stage Follow lamp rental services with clear origin, sharp light. Always complete the program on time, always put customer satisfaction first.

Product variety

Always import new goods and maintain the product regularly to ensure that the equipment is still in normal use and does not occur during the event.

Lights for rent Follow events in Hanoi

Quick quote, cheap rent

Offering reasonable prices in line with market prices, offering the most economical options for customers. Always update the new prices on the market to adjust the price to suit the customer's budget.

Professional technical team

With more than 10 years of experience in the event industry, HSV AVL is committed to doing well according to customer requirements. Ready to enthusiastically support customers during the event, support installation on-site for customers.

Rent a cheap stage follow light in Hanoi

Contact information for Follow light rental unit in Hanoi

Quality stage follow lights for rent in Hanoi

Hanoi: 0916.222.075 or 0978.345.727

HCMC: 0913.222.075



Hanoi office: No. 229, D. Van Tri, Van Noi, Dong Anh, Hanoi

City headquarters. HCM: 184/20 Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao, Binh Tan, City. Ho Chi Minh City

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