Selling Hand Chain Hoist 2 Ton - 8M

Selling Hand Chain Hoist 2 Ton - 8M

Price: Contact

Code: PL2TON

Status: Stocking

  • Model: PL2TON-8M
  • Load capacity: 2 tons
  • Length of conveyor chain: 8M
    Top Selling Products

2 ton hand chain hoist - 8M

2 ton 8 meter manual chain hoist is applied in manufacturing and construction industries in workshops, mining activities, agricultural fields, electricity industry, construction, as well as during installation machinery, loading and unloading goods. The product is also specialized in lifting and lowering goods at locations such as stations, docks, and warehouses. In addition, they also play an important role in supporting the repair process of machinery and equipment

Characteristics of 2 ton hand chain hoist - 8M

  • The chain hoist can rotate 360 ​​degrees around the hanger to easily handle heavy lifting situations.
  • Compact size, light weight, simple structure.
  • The pulling performance of the chain hoist depends on the pulling power of the person.
  • The chain hoist is equipped with a dual latch system to enhance user safety.

Contact to buy chain hoists at HSV ProAVL

Hanoi: 0972.787.123

Ho Chi Minh City: 0913.222.075



Hanoi: No. 229, D. Van Tri, Van Noi, Dong Anh, Hanoi

City headquarters. HCM: 184/20A Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao, Binh Tan, City. HCM

aluminum truss frame
Hoist Hoist 2 Ton - 8M

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